We’ve all heard about the five Love Languages, right? The method that helps you understand your partner and how they express their affection?
Well, here at Nip of Courage, we love our craft Aussie spirits, so we thought it would help to see how these different love languages translate to our favourite tipples.
First, what are the love languages?
Identified and developed by anthropologist Dr Gary Chapman, the Five Love Languages are labelled as: Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Acts of Service and Receiving Gifts.
These are the ways - to differing degrees - that people understand how they’re appreciated.
So while you mull over your partner’s, your best mate’s or even your own Love Language, here’s what we think it means in terms of drinks.

The 5 Love Languages of Aussie Spirits
1. Words of Affirmation & gin. With a long list of possible botanicals in its vocabulary - anything from juniper and angelica to muntries and black truffles - Australian gin is the perfect communicator of love. The most encouraging of spirits, gin always knows the right thing to say.
2. Physical Touch & whisky. Constant contact with its barrel gives whisky the majority of its colour and flavour. In fact, as the air pressure in the barrel changes day and night, the spirit is pushed into the very fibres of the wood and pulled back out. Pretty touchy-feely, right?
3. Quality Time & rum. Australian rum is no flash in the pan. To be legally called Aussie rum, the spirit must be in barrels for a minimum of two years. Now that’s a long-lasting relationship.
4. Acts of Service & vodka. Apart from doing the hard work in many cocktails, high-quality Aussie vodka is also a wonderful straight sipper over ice or as a Bond-esque martini. Either way, vodka is always here to help.
5. Receiving Gifts & liqueurs. From some of Australia’s most creative distillers, these liqueurs are a gift to your tastebuds. With the likes of Belgrove Distillery’s black rye coffee liqueur, Stone Pine’s Cabernet brandy liqueur and Imbue’s Elixir gin liqueur, this is love in a bottle.

Beyond booze, it’s also important to point out that the Five Love Languages can really help a relationship.
They give us an understanding of why those closest to us behave the way they do, what motivates them and how to show our affections in a way that makes sense to them.